I already carry a gun AND I have a german shepherd. He is appropriately named Bronson after Charles Bronson.
This is a great idea. Thanks for posting this.
Trump needs to make an ad listing all the terrorist attacks since Obama took office. Silent (no music or voiceover), a deadly ad indicting Hillary/Obama for ignoring the security of the citizenry.
I suspect, as rational people with our safety and the safety of our loved ones at heart, we are constitutionally deputizing ourselves.
I think this would already qualify as the “Well regulated (organized) Militia of the 2nd amendment.
Adam Lanza’s adult victims would vote to have a gun if they could have a do-over.
Those qualified under the federal program could carry their weapons throughout the country without having to navigate the ridiculous maze of state regulations currently in place.
Nope. Sounded pretty good until the words FEDERAL PROGRAM crept into the article.
A program administered by county sheriffs under federal guidelines maybe. But any FEDERAL PROGRAM will end up a jobs program for the unemployable and political cronies.
Many people in the USA have taken the oath of Office to “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
Government employees, Military and many others have been “deputized”. We need more authority to abide by this oath.
On its face, it appears to be a good thing but the devil is in the details the writer specifies: polygraph, psychological exam, interview. IOW, more government overreach in an area that is so clear and explained in simple language: “shall not be infringed”
Got it??? Good!
The only reason a “federal program” of this nature might make sense, to me, is if it conferred on the members some sort of immunity from liability and lawsuit.
When I joined the Marine Corps I was deputized and have never been relived from that obligation.
This makes a lot of sense. It’d be a good first step to restoring the 2nd to its rightful glory.
Mass murder incidents could be drastically curtailed if all “Gun Free Zone” signs were replaced by “Area Protected by Smith & Wesson” signs.
Clever idea. And here’s the clincher: if these folks were deputized as LEOs, no real law changes would be needed.
Oh and by the way, LEO agencies don’t need no stinkin’ class III.
I was spinning up a vanity with EXACTLY this proposal!
Concealed carry permit holders are already checked for criminal records and who knows what else. I know it takes more than a month to get a renewal on my Massachusetts LTC so they must be looking pretty closely.
So let’s take that one step further. Check me out as tight as you’d like, as I have nothing to hide. I had a speeding ticket 10 years ago, if that helps.
I was even going to propose a week or two of police-like training, just to calm the nerves of the Left. (I’m in Massachusetts, after all.) I like the idea of placing this Silent Sheepdog program under the local sheriff’s office instead of the states or the feds, but we want nationwide clearance to operate. Sheepdogs on a plane, ya think?
This would indeed be a Militia operation and heavily pro-Second. But without some “official” imprimateur, it would never fly.
Instead of creating the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA, something like this should have been done immediately after 9-11-2001.
That, along with tasking Special Forces with special “Sanction” orders for Osama Bin Ladin, specifically immune from political influence, would have saved a lot of money, blood, sweat, and tears.
But too many politicians wanted to advance their agendas.