I have, thankfully, only seen a few outtakes of the actresses in the Ghostbusters reboot. They are disgusting, profane, disgusting, profane, disgusting, ugly, and filthy. I will look forward to NOT watching the movie. Knowing the previous work of all involved in this movie I can give the entire plot.
Lonely white women find stupid white man has a haunted house.
Man jokes
Lonely white women meet gay man who introduces them to big black woman to toughen them up.
Menstruation jokes
Black woman chicken necks and white women start talking ghetto English.
Penis jokes
White women rescued by angry big black woman who says “Oh no you didn’t” as she blasts a ghost.
Fart Jokes
Lonely fat white woman gets hunkie new boyfriend she meets through gay man.
PMS jokes
The end.
It is a sad state of affairs when everything you listed dominates Hollywood comedies today. It is as if they are trying to lose money. Except that the kids today eat this garbage up because they dont know any better.