Do you put salt on your grits? I only ask since I assume as a civilized member of society that you have grits with your eggs, even though you didn’t mention doing so. Probably just an oversight on your part.
I would blame the salt on the grits.
You may also consider the level of salt on your bacon. I only say this since I assume as a civilized member of society that you have bacon with your eggs and grits, even though you didn’t mention doing so. You probably just forgot to mention that because of all the salt your putting on your grits.
Lastly, are you using salted or unsalted butter on your toast? I only ask since I assume as a civilized member of society that you have heavily buttered toast with your eggs, grits and bacon, even though you didn’t mention doing so. Probably just an oversight on your part after waking from your nap after eating all of those eggs, grits, bacon and heavily buttered toast.
I suggest cutting out the eggs since the grits, bacon and heavily buttered toast probably already contain more than enough salt.
salted grits, salted butter, salted eggs......
regarding the grits, peppered as well
Yes, but “as a civilized member of society” is he using Sodium salt, Magnesium salt, Potassium salt, or Calcium salt on his bacon, eggs and grits?
(dammit, now I have to have bacon, eggs and grits)