He’s surrounded by blithering idiots. That’s not his fault. The president needs to dominate this weak group. Not be buddies. Obama was buddies with Reid and shmucky shumer. Bush was buddies with Lott and the merry band of spenders. Lots of good came from all that.
Except that HE needs them more than they need HIM.
And they are signaling as much.
The rumor that broke this morning of Rove’s superpac making play-nice moves toward Trump is not unintentional.
If they stop Trump, Cruz will not get the nomination. If Trump continues to the point it looks like the 1237 are doable, the establishment will start sidling up to Trump. They don’t want to be left out if he does get the nomination and win in November.
You forgot about Reagan - he was buddies with Tip O’Neill.
There’s a difference between inspiring people and alienating them. A leader does the former, Cruz the latter.
Thats not his fault.
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Yet another characteristic to add to Ted Cruz that makes him more like Barack Obama! Everything is “not his fault!”
Well, the President has to work with those blithering idiots, you know.
Would sound good if it was a good assessment - unlike what they tolerate with Obama, both sides have it in for Cruz - for the same ideological reasons. Their skins are thin and his ego is bigger than one might assume due to all his "humble beginnings" talks. It would be a toxic mixture and it is also an indication that even if he manages a contested convention, he is already sunk by the same system he is adept at and which those who want to stay entrenched are in control of.