Posted on 02/06/2016 12:48:24 PM PST by BreezyDog
Does Donald Trump have a tanning bed on his jet? I noticed last night on Fox that he had these glaring white circles around his eyes and the rest of his face was beet red. You know, from those protective eye googles that you are supposed to wear while getting your radiation dose. Just curious because I think Boehner's was spray on.
P.S.: another cowardly freeper who is too afraid to put up his home state on his page.
Western civilization rests on the answer.
Yeah, he thinks I’m a philistine. He probably reads cereal packages with his lips moving.
See now, that wasn’t fair.
I hate these Trump/Cruz bashfest threads but that one made me laugh!
You guys didn’t know Mr Trump has three droids who do his light work?? :D
Shhh ... if this gets out he’ll have to pay taxes on it ...
Cowardly? Wow, you’re the perfect Trump supporter. I don’t have a state. See again you say something stupid based on an assumption that is 100% wrong. You’re illogical and crass. You’re the perfect Trumpster.
No state. Great. So you’re in a foreign country, we have no idea if you’re a citizen, so you’re just shooting your mouth off about something you barely have a stake in. Congratulations and I’ll let you get back to those cereal boxes.
Kasich is pretty rough.
Again, you prove you’re a know nothing that jumps to conclusions. I guess you want to be Manhattans biggest bigot, or their biggest redneck. Here’s a clue Miss Knows-it-All-based-dumb-assumptions, there are a lot of Americans outside the USA with the military. Now, go think up another clever remark about cereal boxes and how anyone not supporting Trump is for terrorism, you ignorant person.
LOL! Thanks, I gave it my best effort.
Oh, now you’re with the military but you don’t put up your home state?
Are you drinking by any chance?
No, are you?
No. I don’t drink with losers like you. Buzz off!
Fight fire with fire I always say...
If Trump builds the border wall, deports illegals, ends our massive trade imbalances, lowers taxes, slashes federal spending, and strengthens our military, then I guess I can forgive him if he uses a tanning bed. I’ll even overlook it if he dyes his hair.
Ha, see how empty you are. You bring up things that have nothing to do with the thread, you try to attack me with false statements, and then you fall back on the Trump “loser” line. Again, you a perfect Trump supporter, the Hillbilly of Manhattan. Manhattan (Yeah, right!) LOL
You HAVE been drinking. One exclamation point for every Boiler Maker.
Again, buzz off, and take your Manhattan/Trump-hating elsewhere.
He has had the tanning bed look for months. At least he’s not too orange.
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