There's an awful lot of nonsense here (global warming, etc.), but this quote really takes the cake.
Of course they (we) get more back than they put in. You expect that of an investment. Getting back just what they put in would be bad enough; getting back in inflated dollars what you put in in uninflated dollars would be highway robbery.
The real problem here is the Ponzi Scheme nature of Social Security. The money put in isn't invested in anything. It's paid out to those already retired, with the intention that those currently paying in will in turn get paid back from the taxes paid by the next generation. That's a perfect recipe for disaster. It was lauded as "a compact between the generations," but those who would have to pay in later weren't around to agree to any such "compact." After they were born, they were told they were bound by it, but they had no voice in whether to accept that burden.
As for the boomers looting job opportunities, the author fails to note that most of the problem arises from government burdens on the economy: taxes and regulation.
YOu are a LIBERAL TROLL. Check out his spotty posting history. He’s here to stir up trouble. GO away.
I want what the Boomers had...good jobs, a safe nation, environment where values and religion is supported, good economy, lower taxes, smaller government, and the only way to get that is to DEFEAT THE LEFT!!!
Let’s stay focused and not get divided by our generational differences.
This article sucks.
The baby boomers aren’t paying enough???
It’s the empty-nest boomers at the top of their pre-retirement earning potential after 30 years of work that are paying this country’s bills in the highest tax brackets of their careers!
The push to grab the retirement savings of successful Americans to redistribute it is on.
This is the second such article I have seen to this effect today.
I’m a baby boomer and I think most conservatives are too liberal.
Just as the Boomers were first able to vote, the vote was given to the 18 year olds who have ruined politics ever since.
I am a baby boomer who could not vote until the age of 21 in 1972. But my vote was immediately cancelled by the lefty college kids who turned 18.
And thus it has gone ever since, with those of us conservative business owners being cancelled out by the mush-headed younger ones among us who have not yet learned to support themselves.
These baby boomers also elected Reagan.
How come nobody ever talks about clawing back excessive taxes from the Federal Government that collected them?
The author appears to be laboring under the misapprehension that generations make political decisions. They don’t. Political factions composed of individuals belonging to multiple generations do. And that is exactly what happened. Ascribing blame to a class defined by being born in a certain time frame is simply sloppy thinking.
I am a boomer and you are full of shiite muslims. We were not in control when Kennedy and LBJ started their glorious programs and the idiot years of Carter, which got us where we are today with a little help from the cellphone & starbucks crowd.
Boomers gave us Reagan.
It is not my fault the fed dropped the rate to 0% while a few elites makes loads on the QE’ed market.
Look elsewhere for your misery.
Yes, boomer women voters.
Pretty soon they’re going to call for extermination of anyone over 60 since they sucked up the jobs for the past several decades, own homes and have all the wealth “hoarded” for their retirements. It’s totally unfair the the younger ones who prefer to pursue their artistic interests instead of actually working.
Don’t you dare judge me because I was born during the “Baby Boom” years. My husband and I were not liberal “red diaper doper babies”. We voted Republican/conservative in every election. Our families did not pay for our college educations — WE did by working several jobs. BTW — my husband started working at age 10, delivering papers, until he reached the age where he could get a “paying” job. I started working a “paying” job at age 16, before that, babysitting. After college and marriage, we worked hard and saved to buy a modest house. If we couldn’t afford to pay cash, we didn’t buy. We didn’t take lavish vacations. We taught our daughter the value of money, hard work and responsibility. She worked while going to college, and we helped as much as we could. My husband died two years after retiring and receiving SS, so after working 50 years, he only received the benefits for two. My brother died before reaching retirement age, so he never did collect SS, and he paid into SS for over 40 years. Do I feel guilty about collecting SS? NO! Among my husband, brother and I, our accumulated pay-in was around 150 years, and I am the only one left to collect. We were told our whole working lives that SS was being put in an account with our name on it. LIE! If given a choice, my husband and I would have invested that money on our own. BUT, we weren’t given that choice. It is not my fault the RAT-Lib-Socialist-controlled Congress (that I didn’t vote for) squandered that money and ran up the national debt.
You write exactly like texasaggie79
Anyone else here recall that dipshite?
Before JR zotted him for pro homo crap one night
He was another gen me crybaby
You mention 1980 numbnuts
The real power holders in 80 weren’t boomers they were the greatest and the Kerouac gen
Most entitlement giveaways were fostered in the 60s by WWI AND GREATEST GEN folks
Problem is there are a lot more folks now recieving those transfer payments and living 10-15 more years
Boomers vote better than under 35s especially whites
You don’t feel that I know
Good luck
You get to deal with non white majority Americanus
You’ll miss these dayz bad as they are
Death to those over 30!