To: moehoward; dayglored
I always bought it for the articles.Sure...
I always enjoyed the illustrations by Vargas!
25 posted on
10/12/2015 9:57:22 PM PDT by
(On Scale of 1 to 5 Palins, How Likely Is Media Assault on Each GOP Candidate?)
To: WVKayaker
... illustrations by Vargas! The absolute pinnacle. His drawings set a standard that will remain for many decades to come. The stuff of dreams.
28 posted on
10/12/2015 9:59:54 PM PDT by
("Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.")
To: WVKayaker
I always bought it for the articles.
Yeah, yeah, that's what we all say. That's why I used to sneak into my uncle's stash of Playboys when I was an adolescent punk. ;)
44 posted on
10/12/2015 10:29:48 PM PDT by
(You call me an islamophobe like it's a bad thing.)
To: WVKayaker
----> "Vargas!"
And now the women actually look like that!
To: WVKayaker
I have a few old Playboys from the 70s. My favorite was the girls of the 1972 Olympics. That was a beautiful pictorial and they were natural and wholesome looking, as well as sexy. I wonder how those German women are doing today.
63 posted on
10/12/2015 11:35:25 PM PDT by
(May the Good Lord take a liking to you!)
To: WVKayaker
Varga girls are the best!
135 posted on
10/13/2015 6:47:44 PM PDT by
Tolerance Sucks Rocks
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