To: dayglored; fieldmarshaldj; GOPsterinMA; NFHale; Bender2; stephenjohnbanker; dfwgator; ...
Well, if "National Geographic" can stop focusing on geography in favor of left wing nonsense....
Next up "Reader's Digest" will stop featuring words.
124 posted on
10/13/2015 1:27:08 PM PDT by
(They pull a knife, you pull a gun. That's the CHICAGO WAY, and that's how you beat the rats!)
To: Impy; fieldmarshaldj; NFHale; stephenjohnbanker; BillyBoy; Clintonfatigued
Hugh Hefner outlived his magazine.
127 posted on
10/13/2015 2:17:58 PM PDT by
(I'm with Steve McQueen: I live my life for myself and answer to nobody.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson