I watch 4 channels and pay for 395. If Apple can solve this problem, this concept will fly. If they can’t, it won’t.
Check out Slingbox online.
That is exactly what Tim Cook and his staff have been trying to accomplish. Several nights a week, my girlfriend and I sit down and flip through over 500 channels and find NOTHING worth watching. . .
Cook et all are trying to get the providers to unbundle the channels so that you, my girlfriend, and I can pick those channels, or even those programs we might find interesting, and buy only THOSE we choose to watch, without having to pay for endless ESPN channels on sports I've never heard of, don't know the rules for, and could not be less interested in ever clicking on. . . not to mention the endless cartoon channels of mind-washing Global Warming dreck that has been poured into our children's heads over the past twenty years, or, worse yet, the channels of NOT-so-science on the same not-so-scientific subjects.
If Apple can do that, and there is a good probability they have the clout to do it, then it will be on Apple TV.