I hate to break this to you, but FoxConn and Pegatron, Apple's main assemblers are both Taiwanese owned companies. FoxConn is also the main manufacturer and assembler for HTC and a secondary assembler for Samsung. Samsung makes some of the parts for Apple. . . and many of the iPhone parts are made in the United States, while none of the parts of the HTC or Samsung devices are. Here is a list of the 52 largest of FoxConn's 500 or so contract customers:
- Acer Inc. (Taiwan)
- Alcatel (France)
- Amazon (United States)
- Apple Inc. (United States)
- Archos (France)
- ASRock (Taiwan)
- Asus (Taiwan)
- Barnes & Noble (United States)
- BenQ (South Korea)
- Blackberry (Canada)
- Cisco (United States)
- Dell Inc.(United States)
- EVGA Corporation (United States)
- Fujitsu (Japan)
- GE Thomson
- Google (United States)
- Griffin Technologies (United States)
- Gründig Mobile (Germany)
- Hewlett-Packard (United States)
- HTC (Taiwan)
- Huawei (China)
- Intel (United States)
- IBM (United States)
- Kyocera Communications (Japan)
- Lenovo (China)
- Lenovo/Motorola Mobility (China)
- LG Lucky GoldStar (South Korea)
- Microsoft (United States)
- Microsoft MSI (Taiwan)
- Motorola Communications (United States)
- NCR (United States)
- NEC Casio Communication (Japan)
- Netgear (United States)
- Nintendo (Japan)
- Nokia Oyj (Finland)
- PackardBell (Netherlands)
- Panasonic (Japan)
- Philips (Netherlands)
- Pioneer Electronics (Japan)
- Samsung (South Korea)
- Sanyo (Japan)
- Sharp (Japan)
- Siemens (Germany)
- Sony (Japan)
- TCL Communication Technology (China)
- Telefunken (Germany)
- Thomson (France)
- Toshiba (Japan)
- Vizio (United States)
- Xiaomi (China)
- Zoostorm (New Zealand)
- ZTE (China)
Yup, your HTC and Samsung phones are most likely made by the same company that assembles Apple's iPhone and iPads, just not with as many parts made in the USA, nor are they designed in the USA, or owned by a USA company, on equipment owned by a USA company, nor are the profits from their sales taxed by the United States Government (Apple paid more US Corporate income tax than any other US business in 2012, paying $1 out of every $40 of US Corporate Income Tax collected that year!). Of course, I guess that's OK, you're Canadian. . . but Apple uses some parts made in Canada too.
Did you notice BLACKBERRY on that list?
More complicated than most of us realize. Good to know that some of it is US made.