You know why women can’t sleep? Besides pregnancy, peeing, children and hormones?
Because men snore.
Because men snore.
It's been scientifically proven with tons of anecdotal evidence that men are kept awake by their wives' BRUTAL farts!!!
Another fine piece of sexist, advertising mythology that it’s the men who snore. Yep, men snore AND so do women. I pretty much cured my snoring by being tied to a CPAP machine for 3 years and then I shoved it into the closet and have not had a major problem snoring since. My wife on the other hand still snores loudly many nights but hey, after 43 years I just touch her arm or pat her on the butt and she stops or I nudge her to roll onto her side. Sleeping on your back is a sure way to be snoring as you get older. Women snore, just like men, so you can throw that BS excuse into the trash heap.
“Because men snore”
If you could hear my petit little wife you’d swear she was a 300 lb drunken lumberjack.