Why did you buy it in the first place? To brag about your fancy Swiss watches? I have a Timex. Can I brag about that?
If it’s still ticking, why, yes.
Are you operating under the misunderstanding that I wrote this article? I did not write it. This was some guy in the Netherlands with two little daughters in elementary school. I do have two daughters, but my youngest is 37. What gave you THAT idea?
There seem to be plenty of people on this thread who love to brag about their under $10 watches, so go right ahead and brag about your Timex. . . but the Apple Watch is not just a clock on one's wrist, and people who argue that don't understand what they are arguing about. They are not even in the same league. As the author of the article pointed out:
"Just like an old wind-up alarm clock and a Macbook both tell time, they are nowhere even close to being the same device. The only thing the Apple Watch and my Swiss Duo have in common, and that may prove to be kind of a thing: they compete for the same wrist time! As it turns out, I have more need for a Personal Life Assistant (PLA) on my wrist than just a watch, even such beautiful and reliable ones as my Swiss watches. "