That was 2010, by 2014 Apple was taking home 51% of all PC makers' profits. . . with only 10% of the world's PC market share.
And what you are saying is that Apple computers cost a lot more than their counterparts in the Wintel arena. Actually, wintel is a misnomer anymore but you get the idea.
Do the math — you sell fewer computers and make more money.
The gory details....
Only Apple sells Apple computers (a monopoly that they protect with a vengeance) however there are at least ten top computer makers that sell the PC. You know: competition and the free market? Funny thing about competition: it drives down the costs to the consumer AND affects profits. Margins are less when you have to be competitive. However, the consumer benefits.
That has always been the business model for the windows PC and the Apple Mac or whatever.
Are Apple computers and software overpriced? IMO, yes. Why, because they can dictate price because of their monopoly and add more profit to their bottom line.