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To: rickmichaels
To: rickmichaels
Yes, I thought that was a great site when I ran across it. It certainly makes it clear how much more sense it makes to do a lunar colony before trying a Mars colony...
To: rickmichaels
Very cool, thanks. Here are a few more representations of stellar dimensions:
4 posted on
06/21/2015 6:25:22 AM PDT by
(History repeats itself because human nature is static)
To: rickmichaels
So if you scroll at high speed, not on the little end cursor, what warp speed factor would that be?
6 posted on
06/21/2015 6:34:18 AM PDT by
To: rickmichaels
It helps put things in perspective, doesn’t it?
7 posted on
06/21/2015 6:34:29 AM PDT by
(Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results~Einstein)
To: rickmichaels
“Space is big. Really big. You just wont believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think its a long way down the road to the chemists, but thats just peanuts to space.”
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy,
To: rickmichaels
I try to keep every car I buy running for one, “moon unit” before I get another. ~240,000 miles. It would take a lot of cars to drive to Pluto.
13 posted on
06/21/2015 6:47:40 AM PDT by
( If history teaches us anything it's that history rarely teaches us anything.)
To: rickmichaels
Fabulous representation of empty Space.
But we know how to bend & fold Space.
Here is a graphical presentation of this:
14 posted on
06/21/2015 6:53:35 AM PDT by
To: SunkenCiv
S p a c e
Kept crashing my iPad
To: rickmichaels
To: rickmichaels
17 posted on
06/21/2015 7:02:43 AM PDT by
(ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
To: rickmichaels
Proof of God. We are not an accident.
To: rickmichaels
To: rickmichaels
God created ALL this in the blink of an eye. With the ease and wonder of a small child scattering colorful marbles out on the floor.
Our God is so Powerful!
28 posted on
06/21/2015 7:23:47 AM PDT by
Delta 21
(Patiently waiting for the jack booted kick at my door.)
To: rickmichaels
Yet there are galaxies measured at about 13 point-something LIGHT YEARS from Earth, one light-year being the *distance* light travels in a year as at its speed of 186,000 miles/sec. It works out to about 5.9 TRILLION miles (ONE light year)
32 posted on
06/21/2015 7:28:19 AM PDT by
(ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
To: rickmichaels
And there are so called scientists that say the sun has nothing to do with global warming.
To: rickmichaels
39 posted on
06/21/2015 7:54:52 AM PDT by
(We use 43 muscles to frown, 17 to smile, and 2 to pull a trigger. I'm lazy and I'm tired of smiling.)
To: rickmichaels
Cool page. Spent many minutes side-scrolling. As usual, I draw the line at Uranus.
41 posted on
06/21/2015 8:07:54 AM PDT by
(Wake Me in 2016)
To: rickmichaels
48 posted on
06/21/2015 8:57:48 AM PDT by
(Violence is rarely the answer. But when it is it is the only answer.)
To: rickmichaels
Very cool. The one thing that stood out to me in all that empty space, there is plenty of room for parking.
49 posted on
06/21/2015 9:03:23 AM PDT by
(Hey Hillary, ... liar, liar pants on fire.-)
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