Right now, though, I'm not ready to abandon Ted Cruz simply because the alternatives for the most part fall short. Scott Walker perhaps, but I need some definitive explanations on his immigration position. The others don't come anywhere close to my ideals and values.
As a friend advised me, don't look for the perfect candidate because he/she doesn't exist. We have to decide whether the flaws of any candidate are something we can live with.
I wish Ted Cruz would explain his vote and clarify his position. The longer he does not, the more suspicions grow. Honestly, I'm not in favor of ANY trade agreement because more recent agreements have not favored the US at all. In this case, we can not only not trust our trade partners, we also can't trust our own president. And we can't view the proposed agreement? What kind of nonsense is that?
Maybe there is some brilliant strategy in the mind of Ted Cruz afoot here. I just hope it isn't a matter of him going over to the dark side.
Very disheartening. I know just how you feel.