Walker can say what he wants regarding that but I remain in Cruz’s court as i think he can do a far better job all around as he’s walked the halls of Washington and knows how things operate, so no learning curve just to see who is who and carries the weight there. We don’t have time to dicker around with adjustments to the environment IMO.
Not surprised the Indian didn’t know what to do. Many are entering here with fake resumes created and sold so they can get to the states. It’s a real racket as many things are about India.
I went to the store here today and this Indian couple wanted all traffic to stop for them...so of course there were many upset with them...and this was in a parking lot no less! They don’t understand our culture and bring their own here expecting us to adapt to them.
I would vote for Walker but he doesn’t really have any appeal to me. when Cruz speaks, you want to listen and he excites you. It’s been a long time since there’s been a Republican that has done that. he is Ronald Reagan plus the 140 IQ and the youth. although even though I was only a teenager, I never really thought of Ronald Reagan as old. He was so vigorous.