GLOBAL WARMING? THE POPE IS WRONG...More often than not most socialists are and this Pope is no exception. I do believe it would be best if the Pope would stick to his calling, in his case religion. Well just a thought....
“The Pope is always ready to jump into the last wagon of the radical left while looking the other way in order not see the holocaust of Christians going on in the Muslim world.”
He runs a great risk here IMHO. Once a person is exposed as a fool on one thing, it’s hard to take them seriously on anything else... And I say that as a practicing Catholic.
It is deeper than that, the Pope is willing to disregard the spiritual for the material.
It is the abandonment of the human soul’s salvation in heaven itself for the earthly realm.
If the Pope thinks Man Made Global Warming is a threat to the earth, then you would think he’d support birth control and abortion.
The Pope seems to have forgotten that it is GOD who controls the climate.
But then I think this Pope has spent more time reading Darwin and Marx rather than studying the Bible.
The Pope is a human being with an opinion every bit as important, but not more so, than yours....I don’t agree either, but our president does, our former vice-president does, Governor Brown what???
He’s more than wrong, he’s a liar.
One might have thought that the Latin church having come out on the wrong end of their last foray into taking an institutional position on scientific matters — the defense of Aristotelian celestial mechanics against Galileo et al. — might have learned a lesson.
This Pope is a death and destruction-loving Leftist. What more can you expect?
I don’t know how the Pope can reconcile anti-abortion and anti-birth control with environmentalism. If people are a plague on the earth as many environmentalists believe, then the growth of mankind must be restrained. How else to achieve that except by birth control and abortion? Does the Pope believe billions of people are suddenly going to start using natural family planning or abstain from sex?
Scripture itself says the world will wear out like a used garment and be destroyed. Perhaps saving souls is more important than saving trees...
This pope is a doofus.
Best answer; climate change is God’s Will.
All the “science” a person needs to know is:
What was the temperature of the Earth 20 years ago?
What is the temperature of the Earth now?
Regardless of how many people around him are manipulating and isolating him, if the Pope has not INDEPENDENTLY thought to ask these two questions, then he’s totally, thoroughly intellectually dishonest. And there’s no evidence that he has thought to ask these two questions.
As a practicing Catholic, me thinks he should focus more on worshiping the Creator rather than the Creation.
What makes me cross is the Vatican’s efforts to silence dissenting viewpoints on a scientific and at most prudential matter at the recent conference. You’ld have thought they might have learned their lesson from the Galileo incident.
The Pope is joining the religion of environmentalism. It believes that the natural world is god. The gods and goddesses of the earth, of nature, were the old rulers of the ancient world. It is Primitivism and Utopianism that are the heart of modern Liberalism, and most certainly are the roots of the Green movement. The Greens want to return the Earth to a mythical pristine paradise, to expunge the “plague” of industrialism and bring back the forgotten Eden which we have despoiled.
Primitivism is outside the Christian tradition of rationalism, the heritage of Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, William of Occam, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, etc., and of the older Jewish tradition of scholarship and philosophy, as well as many of the Greek philosophers such as Aristotle. That is why see anthropocentric global warming primitivist making up the science to justify their beliefs. It reject the intellect in favor of emotionalism and historical reality in favor of myth.
Utopianism is the myth or memory of a distant past when humankind lived in a primitive and simple state, but at the same time one of perfect happiness and fulfillment. This perfect state is one where man reaches his godhood where nature responds to his needs. It is a desire to return to those those days when there was an instinctive harmony between humanity and nature. The eco-utopians want to return to that utopian harmony where nature provides in abundance and man lives as the original hunter gatherer he was designed to be.
There is a vain mythology that man can control nature
Not the first pope to jump on the “we gotta save the Earth” bandwagon. Just the first to have so many slapping him around.
We are having “global warming.” Just as a prayerful blessing is like putting hot coals upon an evil man’s head, the increased presence of the Holy Spirit is warning things up in this world.
It’s going to get hot enough around here for the “weeds to be burned.”
The minions see it coming and are not happy about it.
If the globe is indeed warming it is because God is pissed off. He is just giving humanity a preview of what hell is going to be like. So keep on placating, liberals, perverts, the gaystapo, heathens, monsters, murderers and the like and are really going to see how hot it is going to get.