Whites have become wiggers or wigged friendly
Now blacks go to the beach in droves with stupid whites
Virginia Beach will no longer do
So here we have the inevitable
All of the serious crime in PCB spring break is black
It’s always been rowdy but now it’s serious violent crime
Wherever they congregate this is what happens
Freak Nik in Atlanta same thing
They have ruined South Beach in Miami
They are not encumbered by anything....they do what they want
Young hipster white boys would give over their girlfriend for a savage ....pun intended....gang rape in an instant
Young white men today this side of Afghanistan are pathetic
My generation we fought and the ferals feared us
There was consequence
I did spring break Daytona late 70s
Drugs sex fights etc
But no gang rapes and no shootings
Political correctness is deadly
There is an event called Black Biker Week in Myrtle Beach, SC. It has gotten so bad that the city has refused to endorse it and has asked the organizers to stop, but they keep coming.