Semantics aren’t acronyms. No wonder you’re a fanboy.
You again demonstrate your total ignorance of semantics. Semantics is the study of MEANING, you idiot. It matters not whether meaning is transmitted in words or acronyms. Don't try to educate an educated man. . . when you only can show how uneducated you most certainly must be to have posted that. . . and you devolved to insults, argumentum ad hominem, the last refuge of the person without facts or logic.
You suffer from a severe case of MAPS. . .
Swordmaker's and Kathy's proposed diagnosis for the new IDC-10 addenda:
90210 iOS Munchausen's Apple-Plexy Syndrome (MAPS), The overwhelming compulsion to post negative, judgmental, aggressive, and false commentary on any website thread related to Apple products wherever found, including phobic reaction to projected Apple user euphoria. First and subsequent encounters.