Posted on 02/27/2015 6:10:40 PM PST by Zeneta
I hate texting. I hate the way it restricts me. It's great that I can stay in touch while on the road, but it's a pain in the butt.
I can't reference my thoughts with links that would generally be a few "copy and paste" clicks away.
I can't stand the screen size of my "Smart Phone" and I have one of the largest available.
I hate using the pop up key board that tries to "Help" me.
Ever try to search for and paste a link to something that wasn't already planned for?
Good luck.
I love my PC.
I love that I have the ability to capture information and relay it in seconds. Information that may or may not be stored on my machine. A quick search and a few clicks and I can send it to you without jumping through smart phone hoops.
I hate Texting.
I hate BRB, and all the others that are making people lazy when trying to express themselves.
WTF !!
It's the death of us, the death of our language and the meaning of words in their proper context.
Touch screen convenience at it's best?".
Short cuts designed to "Help" us get our message across have made so many miss the message all together.
I hate Texting.
My 70 yr old mom has an iphone she doesn’t text. She doesn’t have a computer at her house either.
Agreed, crissakes, it is obvious you both have a freaking phone, just dial and yap away!
I love texting, I think it’s one of the greatest inventions ever.
It works so well just to be able to send a quick text and say: we’re home safe. we’re leaving right now. call me tonight. etc.
Maybe it is the secrecy of it, no one can hear what you say.
matter of fact, at your age ... you should already BE there.
I love texting, I think its one of the greatest inventions ever.
It works so well just to be able to send a quick text and say: were home safe. were leaving right now. call me tonight. etc.
This of course is NOT what I’m talking about.
I’m trying to express that fact that we are moving away from the ability to share information beyond “Hi” and “I’m safe” etc....
.. / .... .- - . / - . -..- - .. -. —. / - -— -—
Adopt a 1 syllable intro like yo.
everyone will get to know it’s you.
it’ll be funny.
My 80 year old Mom has an iphone and ipad mini. She talks, texts, uses facebook & sends pictures and videos. She rocks!
I agree. I go out of state to visit my brother by myself. When I get to certain places, I sent a text to my daughter to let her know where I am. Then when I get there, I send a quick, “am here.”. I do not talk or text while driving. That is just asking for trouble.
Are you trying to start an undead thread?
How am I doing so far?
Texting became a lot easier for me when I shut down the suggesting whatever it’s called on my Samsung phone. It drove me nuts.
LOL! I get your point, but in my day to day existence most of my phone conversations need to be short and to the point. I have many regular phone conversations, just enjoy the brevity of texting when all the rest is not necessary (showing the advantages).
And the reference to my age was to show that even us old farts enjoy the texting concept.
She needs to teach other elderly people who aren’t so tech savvy. I can see this being profitable1
I shall go one further. I hate cell phones! I have one for emergency purposes but never use it!
Texting is something that I simply do not understand.
Telephones were invented to get away from telegraph and telegrams!
Texting should be outlawed and the people who ‘invented’ it should be strung up from the highest tree!
I am 71. I have a desk top, an iPad and iPhone. My granddaughter says I am on Facebook more than she is. I enjoy keeping in touch with friends from my school days, relatives and other friends. My daughter runs a company so I send her texts to call me. It is easier than trying to call and interrupting a meeting. I love today’s technology.
I am not crazy about it.....but I will admit I am getting better at it the more I text. I was so frustrated at first but now I can send a text at a respectable amount of time. My problem is that you text back and forth and get into a conversation which I do hate. Send me a text saying you are going to stop off somewhere on the way home or the kids send me a text saying they are going to stay over at a friends....that I don’t mind, but to do text by conversation drives me crazy.
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