Even though I’m a woman, I guess I’m a “chauvinist,” because I want a strong, conservative MAN as President, NOT a woman, ever. Sorry, that’s just me (and the Bible that prescribes men to be the leaders, a few exceptions notwithstanding).
That's pretty much how I see it. I prefer a male president. There are some exceptions, as you say, but overall I feel the male temperament is more suited to leadership.
Apparently that's a shocking opinion to have these days.
The Bible says no such thing.
Paul is speaking to the church specifically when he says that women are not to be teachers in authority over men in the church.
Neither Paul nor Jesus makes any mention of women in secular life.
OTOH, we have Queen Esther, Moses’s sister Miriam, the Proverbs 31 woman, Lydia, the seller of fine purple, just to name a few strong businesswomen and leaders, whose stories are told in the Bible.
Per chance, are you a Rick Santorum or Mike Huckabee supporter?