When I was a kid we were told we had to eat anything we shot with our BB guns. A friend of mine told me he and his buddy shot a couple of Blue Jays once out in the yard and his dad made them dress them and his mom cooked them up and he had to eat one. Never shot another non game bird.
My Gamo is only good out to about 50 yards. We use it to control the squirrel population in our yard.
My dad did the same. We hunted and certainly weren’t against killing meat, but dad insisted that we eat what we shoot. One sparrow later and I was cured.
I’m glad me and my friends were not told that; we spent all our range time at the dump shooting rats; was great fun and very competitive; we didn’t get out of there many times until after dark.
I’ve never ate a rat; but if back then my mother would have cooked it; I would have ate it; she made everything taste great.