One of the two 'bets' will win, the other will lose - after the fact, I give the crooked politician the receipt for the winning trade and I keep the one for the losing trade.
That is how you pass dirty money to Hillary.
Also, her excuse was a blatant lie. The Wall Street Journal did not cover futures when she said she learned about it reading the Wall St. Journal.
Then Senator Barack Obama arranged a $5million grant from the government to the UofC Medical Center.
In exchange, they created a $377,000.00 per year PART TIME, NO SHOW 'job' for Michelle Obama. A job that she was not only supremely unqualified to perform (zero experience, etc.) but never showed up for. The position was eliminated when Obama was elected President and Michelle had to leave the Chicago area. A clear bribe, payola or whatever you want to call it.