She's toned down the Buckwheat hair, ditched the female clothes. Singing Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody." Not bad.
Actually pretty good.
Keith : If anyone can take on a Whitney song, it's you. You could have been smiling the whole time.
Jlo : Come out and do what you were born to do.
Harry : Really cool arrangement. Could be on the radio today. Strong. But don't get complacent. Have fun, jump around. Sang!
First song tonight I really like.
Jax knows how to rock an anthem....
Buckwheat toned down the fro, but she did look feminine — she played in JLo’s eye shadow drawer, and she has a bow around her hair. Her voice was great and she looked comfortable. Not everyone can do Whitney. Some amazing shots of Keith’s head bob. He may be part rooster.