I gave him an apology, as I got a bit hot and threw out a couple insults. Shouldn’t have. Just that about every Apple thread has trolls jumping in (not tacticalogic) and it seems to be a war against them rather than our being able to have a friendly discussion of the merits of products. You know me, I’m a longtime IBM mainframe and NT/Windows admin guy, who has worked on many different products; yet I’m disparaged as an Apple devotee. I’ve seen wars between DEC and IBM devotees (I’ve worked on both platforms). I’ve seen a lot of resistance to Apple from IBM and Microsoft back in the 1980s. It got worse in the 1990s; one example was a project where I was involved interfacing Apple Newtons to IBM 3270 controllers to mainframes, anti-Apple politics killed it even though successful demonstrations were performed. I lost my job as one of two system engineers maintaining an IBM mainframe site when DEC convinced management to pull the plug on us in their favor, all political shenanigans (the DEC system failed soon after). I hate the darn wars and wish people would just accept all platforms. Sorry about the rant...
it's OK... but a certain troll set the tone on this thread from the beginning which is what he intended, and does so on purpose. We have to avoid falling for his bile.