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1 posted on 11/03/2014 6:41:28 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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Breaking — Russia invades Ukraine

[Will bring details soon.]

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Breaking NYT: Flood of Late [campaign $] From Murky Sources...

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Student wearing rosary, gets arrested [AND roughed up — Amarillo, TX]

14-year-old Jacob Herrera attended Sam Houston middle school’s Wednesday night football game. Herrera wore a rosary outside of his clothes when officer Corporal Wilson asked him to remove it.

Marivell Chavez, a witness, says she was at the game Wednesday night and claimed while Herrera was being held to the ground, he yelled, “call my mom” and “I can’t breathe.”


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— Eric Holder’s Wife Co-Owns Scandal-Plagued Abortion Clinic —

[actual title ...]

AG Holder’s Wife Linked To ‘Fast and Furious’ And Abortion Clinic Fraud [Wife Co-Owned Clinic]


AG Holder’s Wife Linked To ‘Fast and Furious’ And Abortion Clinic Fraud While outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder continues to fend off responsibility for the law enforcement snafu known as Operation Fast and Furious, documents obtained through a judge’s order reveal that not only did Holder know about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), but he discussed it via email with his physician spouse, Sharon Malone, however President Barack Obama is granting those emails to be withheld based on an “executive privilege” claim... [snip]

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Will Obama plan expose U.S. to more disease? 100,000 Haitians without visa

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In These Dark Days, the Church Needs Her Men to be Men [This is a post that Satan apparently did not like.]

Archdiocese of Washington | Msgr. Charles Pope

[Includes a report that either indicate an overworked server or something weird happened. I’ll try to bring a summary in a few.]

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China develops drone defense system... Killer Laser

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Cruz won’t vow support for McConnell

Washington Post | Sebastian Payne and Robert Costa

[If republicans win, Cruz doesn’t want Mc-Conman to be majority leader. Good for him! Mc-Conman [aka McCain-ell] is an enemy of the Tea Party even if he is better than any member of the D.isease Party. And Cruz is rock-ribbed ‘Tea Party’.]

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New App Launching to Report Voter Fraud [Tea Party News Network]

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80% of London Muslims Support ISIS

[No surprise to me. With every % point of population the muslims gain in a new conquest, they get less moderate. That’s one reason why the Ruling Class wants to keep those ebola-VISAs open — many Africans are muslim, and VISAs are an easy way to become an illegal immigrant here. Oh yeah, and if it’s an education VISA, then the college gets to keep the tuition even though the ‘student’ never shows up. Everyone in the Ruling Class is happy that way.]

... and ...

Possible Islamic State Leaflets Found in Quantico Marine Base

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CA Gov Brown Signs Defacto Amnesty following Two Shot Deputies

FR poster, CaptainPatriot:

“Obama’s and Gov. Brown’s open borders and failing to deport illegal aliens which are some of the reasons two officerS were shot dead on duty by an illegal alien with a criminal history last week.” [And STILL ...] “Brown had the hubris to sign legislation this past Saturday to halt deportations of some illegal aliens (defacto amnesty).”

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FRAUD HITS New Mexico [It’s official now.]

[actual headline ...]

First case of voter fraud confirmed in Rio Arriba Co.

KOB News:

The first case of voter fraud in New Mexico this election has been confirmed by the Rio Arriba County Clerk’s Office. According to the Rio Arriba County Clerk’s office, a voter trying to cast an early ballot in Espanola Saturday was told he had already voted three days prior. The man told poll workers he hadn’t voted. He was then shown the signature of the voter, but he says it wasn’t his signature. Officials say they were able to confirm that the signature on the original ballot did not match the legal voter’s signature on file. Poll workers allowed ... [snip]

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Doubts chip away at nation’s most trusted agencies
Associated Press ^ | 11/1/14 | Adam Geller

Posted on Monday, November 03, 2014 5:47:27 AM by Haiku Guy

Even as Americans’ trust in government eroded in recent years, people kept faith in a handful of agencies and institutions admired for their steadiness in ensuring the country’s protection.

To safeguard the president, there was the solidity of the Secret Service. To stand vigil against distant enemies, the U.S. nuclear missile corps was assumed to be on the job. And to ward off threats to public health, the nation counted on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Now, in the space of just a few months, the reputations of all those agencies - as well as the Veterans Administration - have been tarred by scandal or tarnished by doubt...


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Syrian Rebels Armed And Trained By US Surrender To al-Qaeda

Telegraph (UK) | Ruth Sherlock

Two of the main rebel groups receiving weapons from the United States to fight both the regime and jihadist groups in Syria have surrendered to al-Qaeda. [snip]

[Oh how ‘dandy’, now they will vow to fight for ISIS I bet, with the weapons we gave them along with our training of how to use them. I don’t know about the Middle East, but in the Balkans it’s a common trick to get supplies/training from one side while fully intending to backstab them later on.]

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Four More North Carolina Judges Resign Over Refusal To Conduct Same-Sex Weddings

Six Magistrates Have Now Stepped Down Because of Gay Marriage LegalizationSince gay marriage was legalized in North Carolina on Oct. 10, at least six North Carolina judges have resigned from their benches because they do not want to go against their Christian faith and conduct wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples... [snip]

[So who will be left to serve on the bench? CREEPS! I don’t care if it takes a freaking Constitutional AMENDNMENT! All ‘judicial’ perpetrators must be IMPEACHED, REMOVED, and bared WIDE OPEN to PUNITIVE LAWSUITS over this JOKE of ‘legal’ interpretation. I’m not talking about any who dissented of course. But this is low! How can any sane person honestly say that marriage is somehow magically redefined? How can we DEMAND that judges violate their free exercize of religion? THIS VOMMITING ON OUR CULTURE, on our Christian foundation MUST END!]

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REPORT: 94% of Border Crossers Skip Court Hearings...

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Detroit Student ‘Clinging To Life’ After Violent Attack Over NIKE Shoes...

[Maybe Detroit should blame republicans? Oh wait, republicans have no power in Detroit. Leftists teach class envy. Leftists try to tell us that evil is ‘natural’, that life is nothing but a stream of randomness, and there’s no such thing as morality — just ‘moral relativism’.]

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Second Campaign Staffer Accuses (Homo) GOP Congressional Candidate Carl DeMaio Of Sexual Harassment

[The quick version — Justin Harper claims that DeMaio harrassed him in a bathroom back in July. Harper quit. Kept his silence until now. Harper was a door-to-door / phone call ‘foot soldier’ with the glorified job description of ‘regional political director’.]

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The 15 Worst Democrat Gaffes This Election

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Fossilized maize, rice found in Temanggung [Central Java]

I don’t know a lot about Java — it’s an island off the Asian Coast, right? So why are they calling corn in Java ‘maize’? Multiculturalism is getting ridiculous.]


..... and .....

Record Lows Across East...

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Trading Places: It’s Time to Trim the Debate Moderators’ Role

American Thinker | Clarice Feldman


As this campaign season draws to an end, doubtless many will comment on what was right and what went wrong for each party. Let me beat the crowd by stating whatever the outcomes of the Congressional and state races the notion of Republicans continuing to allow Democratic operatives posing as newsmen and women to act as moderators in candidate debates is one of the most inexplicably stupid blunders of all. And yet each election it is repeated. Let this be the last time. Here are some names and incidents that should be engraved forever on the RNC steps and in... [snip]

[The only moderator we need is a freaking timer. That’s IT! Bust it up into three minute turns, however many they may be, and let each candidate say what he or she wants with his/her time — period. And let them refer to websites if they don’t have enough time for specifics.]

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Man calls daughter’s ‘rapist’ home, tortures and kills him, say police

Furious over the alleged rape of his 14-year-old daughter by a 45-year-old married man, the father called the man to his house on Friday night, treated him to dinner and then tortured him to death, police said. He then went to the police station, surrendered himself and gave police a detailed account on how he tortured and murdered the man. The 36-year-old reportedly burned the man’s genitals using heated tongs and then strangled him to death. The incident was reported from Northeast Delhi’s Khajuri Khas area on Saturday. Based on the man’s statement, police said the deceased, a medicine supplier ... [snip]

[It would be just to execute the father humanely, but if the victim actually was a rapist, can’t they throw a parade for this ‘evil’ murderer first? My kind of guy! And then he turns himself in — bravo! Above and beyond what I would expect. Let all rapists of 14 year old girls beware!]

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Horror Stories from and Solutions for Schoolgirls Escaping Boko Haram | Kimberly Smith

Boko Haram is a radical Islamic wanna-be ruling force in Nigeria who kidnapped nearly 300 school girls in one fell swoop in April of this year. Michelle Obama was outraged. Eighty U.S. military troops flew in, vowing to never leave until the girls are found. The Nigerian government agreed to a ceasefire against the captors, claiming the group is preparing to release the girls” who they openly call “sex slaves” and threaten to sell in the market. Yet, hundreds more girls and women have been kidnapped since April by the same wanna-bes, including 60 immediately after the ceasefire proclamation and 30 more... [snip]

[Michelle-my-Bell, I’m with you o this outrage, but it’s time to take action against the ROOT problem — Islam.]

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Politico Headline: ‘Bill Clinton Plugs Kay Hagan in N.C.’

NewsBusters | P.J. Gladnick
“Bill Clinton Plugs Kay Hagan in N.C..” If you have not already burst out laughing or at least smiled then you must be sorely lacking in the humor department. That was the actual title of a Politico article. To make matters worse, or funnier, the story was accompanied by a photo of Bill Clinton and Kay Hagan with the latter wearing a blue dress. So was this an example of Politico showing a sly sense of humor? Probably not since their bias leans left and would not want to set Kay Hagan (or Bill Clinton) up for mockery at this... [snip]

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Beshear Says GOP Control of House Would Set Kentucky Back to “19th Century”

[This Beshear is such a bad liar he must not do it very much. I almost like the guy.]

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More Horror Stories from the TSA Bureaucrats

I’m wondering whether the Transportation Security Administration is a valuable part of government. Not because the bureaucracy does a good job, but instead because it does so many foolish things that it helps convince more people to become libertarians. Consider these horror stories.

o Confiscating a plastic hammer from a mentally retarded man.

o Detaining a woman for carrying breast milk.

o Hassling a woman for the unexplained red flag of having sequentially numbered checks.

o Demanding that a handicapped 4-year old boy walk through a metal detector without his leg braces.

o Putting an 8-year old cub scout on the no-fly list.


[Yeah, it’s a union job after all. What do you expect? Not to mention, without using common sense and instinct, they are rule-bound and scared of offending the very minority group that poses the greatest risk — young muslim-looking men, especially those from high risk places.]

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Starbucks Unveils Its First LBGT Commercial and it Ain’t Pretty

Godfather Politics | Gary DeMar

More and more companies are going “gay” while at the same time denigrating anybody who has an issue with same-sex, alternate sex, slice and dice sex (transgenderism), and take-your-pick sex. When it was found out that Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich opposed same-sex marriage, so much pressure was put on him because of his anti-same sex marriage views (he donated to Proposition 8) that he believed that he couldn’t do anything but resign... [snip]

[Hey did I read correctly that Starbucks wants to promote newly invented gay ‘rights’? Oh well, expresso machines are getting pretty cheap these days. Even I have one now, and that’s saying something. Why wait in line during the flu season? Save a bunch of money, brew your own. And gloat about it.]

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The incredible claims of minority voter suppression in North Carolina


We were warned all along that if you let those nasty old Republicans take charge of things they would get up to all sorts of dirty tricks, including finding ways to stop primarily minority, younger or low income residents (read: Democrats) from voting. This weekend, these ominous portents apparently came true, as I saw one liberal after another touting a shocking report from Michael Wells Jr. at Politics USA with the Halloween level scary title ... [snip]

[Yeah, and if they DON’T vote democrat, that KKK guy Clinton loved so much, Robert KKK Byrd, will rise from his democrat grave with a spooky sheet over his head and ...]

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Singapore Upholds Sodomy Ban

[I’d rather have that extreme than watch honorable justices be replaced by creeps. I’ve HAD IT with sodomy-loving activists.]

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— Free Republic Crackdown on Strident Darwinists —

[actual headline ...]

Free Republic is a fringe right-wing Christian fundamentalist site

[It was posted by Jim Robinson — a declaration of this forum’s identity. In that declaration, he posted a warning to a coordinated ‘darwinist’ group.]

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Spanish dad told to pay child support to daughter, 29

[Why not? At least until she can find a husband to divorce.]

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Shortages, inflation threaten Venezuela Christmas...

[Poor Hugo Chavez and his socialist-oil economy. Maybe Venesualans smell ‘sulfur’ in the air? Will ‘wittow Hugo’ cwy’ to OPEC?]

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Germany warns ‘no going back’ if Britain curbs EU immigration...;_ylt=AwrBJR7EeVZUvkAAlJ_QtDMD

[Considering that muslim rapists due to immigration have overrun Rochester, the Brits darn well BETTER tighten immigration, especially regarding ebola. And consider this ... ]

[Repost] Sweden: Police point out 55 Muslim-dominated areas where “criminals” have taken control of the area

With well over 100,000 more Muslims arriving every year, Sweden is changing rapidly. There is no chance that the country can integrate so many Islamic refugees and immigrants, and as a consequence, they create their own settlements with their own values. [unquote]

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Is School Overrated? High School “Dropout” Makes Affordable 3D Printer

... Daryani, a 16-year-old Mumbaiker, quit school in the 9th grade, frustrated by rote learning... [snip]

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Bahamas Celebration Cruise Ship Runs Aground: ‘No Danger Of It Sinking’

[Not many vessels would sink when they run aground. It would take strong currents, especially for a cruise ship. Even then, sailors be a clever lot. Party, me hearties!]

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Ancient Europeans remained intolerant to lactose for 5,000 years after they adopted agriculture

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Black man campaigning for Republicans in Arkansas shares his journey from left to right

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[Does Qatar Fund Terrorists?]

Qatar Awareness Campaign – Closing Letter to American Public | Qatar Awareness Campaign

To the American Public: Over the course of the last month, the Qatar Awareness Campaign has issued 25 letters, addressed to people, companies, organizations, and universities who profit from their relationship with the state sponsor of terror, Qatar. Why? Despite their official denials, Qatar is the nation that funds Hamas, Fatah, Boko Haram, al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Qatar, as the host country of the revolutionary Muslim Brotherhood and one of the wealthiest countries in the world, attracts these fanatical, murderous groups like a magnet, showering them with endless funding and resources. Looking back, it is an astonishing list...

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Austria Has No Business Flying These High-Performance Fighters [ha!]

War is Boring | David Axe

Austria is a tiny, politically neutral country with no nearby enemies. And yet the Austrian air force possesses 15 high-performance Typhoon jet fighters. Not only are the twin-engine, supersonic warplanes arguably unnecessary ... [snip]

[When a weapon/machine is bought and paid for, maintenance is a HECK of a lot cheaper than building something new.]

... they’re also too expensive for the government’s modest military budget ...

[What? Want to sell them and pay for some other project? You can only sell something ONCE. You can keep something a lot longer.]

... The 15 Typhoons rarely fly. And when they do, they carry only a tiny fraction of the weaponry that other Typhoon operators—the U.K., Germany, Spain, Italy and Saudi Arabia—routinely hang on the high-tech fighters....

[Right, that’s how you keep down costs, IDIOT. You can ramp up training, weaponry later if it’s needed. Or you can always sell it later. But normally it’s the corrupt politician who would sell something like that without replacing it.]

... And in stark contrast to other countries—which usually employ twice as many pilots as they have fighters, thus ensuring...

[Pilot training/pay is part of the maintenance cost, dummy. Why not try that line on Russia or China? Take it to the enemy. Oh, maybe David Axe IS taking it to the ‘enemy’.]

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Hungry Howie’s CEO reveals company’s mascot is transgender

Spring Hill Courier (FL) | SANDY YOLKER

SPRING HILL, Florida — In a startling announcement, the CEO of Hungry Howies Pizza announced that “Howie,” the official cartoon character mascot of the Detroit-based chain, has come out as transgender. “We all know and love Howie, all seen his goofy face for years, but hidden behind that hungry simpleton’s face was a lost soul going through a gender crisis,” CEO Burle Gander said. “Heather, as she would like to be called now, just wants to go on providing delicious pizza with fresh ingredients, without any discrimination.” Allegations from the LGBTQ community that the company is just revamping its image...

[Summary: the hamster likes to wear female hamster-things — bonnets, skirts, plunging necklines, and high heels. The article is a satire, btw.]

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[Newbie Tip — he’s the forum’s founder, the pioneer of the first conservative forum on the internet.]

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Woman’s Car Invites Confusing Compliments


FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — Ever since 81-year-old Mae Hodges bought a used Volvo, “strange-looking people” have been approaching her around town to pay compliments. “They tell me, ‘Thank you for being a pioneer in our movement,’” Hodges says. “I have no idea what they mean.” The flow of appreciation began after she started driving the nondescript Volvo wagon, which bears several bumper stickers. One sticker shows a multi-colored flag, another a pink equal sign, both of which Hodges found “very cheery.” “I left them on the car because the bright colors remind me of my flower garden,” she says. [snip]

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Should Pastors Endorse Candidates From The Pulpit?

[Constitutionally speaking, the better question to ask is “Should the government infringe a pastor’s free speech through tax penalties?” If the flock rejects the pastor, they are free to leave. On a personal note, I would prefer a pastor to say it like it is IF it’s clearly relevant to scripture. If a candidate wants to kill abortion survivors for example. Clear-cut relevance. Or, if a candidate is at war with Christians [bitter clingers]. Or if a political party boos God three times during a convention, such as the DNC. But vague scriptural reasoning would be divisive, such as gun rights — even though I’d agree with a proud gun-toting minister who could indeed be backed up by the New Testament, it might split up the church needlessly. One thing’s for certain — keep government out of it.]

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Video: Jesuit Priest Talks About Real-Life Exorcism

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Elderly shopper kills man who tried to rob his wife (Dallas TX)

DALLAS - A man shot and killed the person who tried to rob his wife outside a popular Dallas grocery store.

It happened Tuesday night at the Aldi store on Forest Lane and Webb Chapel Road.

According to police reports, the elderly couple was walking to their car when a man approached them. [unquote]

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Mail carrier investigated over allegations of dumping GOP political mailers (WI)

MADISON, Wis. — Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night may keep postal carriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. But partisan politics, now that may be another matter altogether. An investigation has been launched into a Neenah postal carrier who allegedly dumped into a recycling bin hundreds of political advertisement mailers from the campaign of Mike Rorhkaste, Republican candidate for Wisconsin’s 55th Assembly District, Rorhkaste tells Wisconsin Reporter. Neenah Postmaster Brian Smoot, who was alerted to the incident on Thursday, confirmed there is an ongoing investigation into the matter, and referred Wisconsin Reporter to... [snip]

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Footage shows ISIS fighters attending slave girl ‘market’ where they barter for young women

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Twilight of the Froot Loops [Texas Gov Race]

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Laura Ingraham on Fox News: Be Tough on China Trade

2 posted on 11/03/2014 6:42:15 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March (The D.isease Party gets along better with satanics than with Christians.)
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