In another thread I saw where Africans have a higher percentage of Neanderthal blood/genes than the other races. I thought maybe it would be the White man because the Neanderthal seemed to be found in Europe.
Anyone know anything about genetic testing?
I’m tempted to get a National Geographic geographic test As a female, I understand that all I can find out is female lineage. I might pay for my male cousin’s too to see where the male side of my family came from. (our grandfathers were brothers.)
Bammy << Neanderthal?
Is 45,000 years a bit of a stretch for radio carbon dating or not? The half life of C14 is 5730 years, so we are talking only a 231st of the normal amount of C14 to measure.
Neanderthal pickup line
“Hey baby I like that one eyebrow you have”
A femur? I would not find it humerus.
Who knew Art was an artist! Weingartner.. well that's not a Slavic name.
Not much of a puzzle for a non-African species to die during a glaciation; mile high sheets of ice, no food.