This will not turn out well for those women, I am in my mid 50’s and remember very well the beginning of the feminist movement, all those girls that bought into it are still single, lonely, and for the most part poor. Women my age nowadays are so desperate they will generally drop their pants on Hello.
wanting very badly to give a one word smart a$$ reply
A right good number of Mrs WBill's college friends are in their late 30s / early 40s. Mostly professionals (and scarily, mostly in education) they certainly would consider themselves "Feminists". Far from being poor, they're "single and loving" it, with fantastic trips (NYC, Europe, CA) at the drop of a hat, parties every weekend, and so on.
Looks like a life anyone would want, until you get past the thin veneer. Underneath it is a lonely, single, and desperately unhappy lifestyle. They've tried to replace "husband and kids" - things feminism says that they don't need! - with a party-all-the-time lifestyle, and are failing miserably at it.
Meanwhile, Mrs. WBill (who "settled", per some of her friends) and I are blissfully happy. Sure, we don't jet off to Europe for whatever the latest East End premier is.... but we took the kids to the pumpkin patch this past weekend and had a blast.
I'll take that over "shallow and meaningless", every time. :-) And, I'm glad that my lovely wife has been spending more time with the ladies at our church, than her old college friends. Much better class of people.