No, they're not. Apple was not selling unlocked iphones at any of their stores to prevent scalping and gray market phones. While I was waiting in line Monday with my girlfriend three asian got in line and when the concierge inquired which iphone they wished to reserve, they replied they wanted three unlocked iPhone 6 64GB each. They were informed that Apple would not sell any unlocked phones. They were welcome to buy a carrier locked phone of their choice for full retail, but Apple's contracts required the carrier would have to do the unlocking. And at this time, no carrier is unlocking iPhone 6 or 6 Plus until after the China rollout to prevent gray market smuggling. China's customs is aggressively confiscating iPhones as they are brought into China because the Chinese government has dug in its heels about approving them for use on its networks.
You have bad info. A friend just bought two unlocked and took them back to Saudi. Even Apple’s own website gives the details: