1. Don’t go to Liberia.
2. If you find yourself in Liberia, do not handle the blood of Ebola patients or those who have died of Ebola.
“2. If you find yourself in Liberia, do not handle the blood of Ebola patients or those who have died of Ebola.”
3. Do not ride in any public transportation in Liberia. Public transportation there is currently a red hot spot for infection.
Seriously, read up on fomites. You need only contact the bodily fluids of an ebola patient. OR something those fluids have touched. Like a doorknob. That’s how one of the Nigerian medicos got it. From a doorknob.
I am canceling my Liberian vacation right now! snort///>//
“1. Dont go to Liberia.”
Obama should be with the troops he is sending to Liberia, leading them!
Smug... you do know the virus can live outside the body for a number of days... right?
It’s not like AIDS... With AIDS no one is wearing space suits... ever wonder why?