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To: berdie

>>Oh puhleeze! What the heck does obamacare have to do with this?<<

If it is OK to tax you for doing something, it is OK to tax you for doing nothing.

You know, your thinking.

>>If your HS GF was sitting on your lap and ya’ll were passionate and in the view of the public and police that shows a certain amount of inconsideration to the other people in the neighborhood. Doesn’t it? I wouldn’t admit to such behavior or sound proud of it. Of course, we all went to make out somewhere...just in private. Every town had a Lovers Lane, but it usually wasn’t Main Street.<<

So “inconsideration” trumps the 4th Amendment. Gotit.
This really doesn’t have squat to do with the 4th Amendment, the Founding Fathers or the fight to protect freedom.<<

You’re clearly not familiar with the BOR and the 4th Amendment are you? This is NOT a good place to proudly trumpet your ignorance.

>>Because of the area, the cops thought she might be a hooker. She wouldn’t show an id. The husband did. Get a grip.<<

She isn’t even immodest by standards ANYWHERE. Unless. if course, you mean being Black = being a prostitute. And you are really not understanding the issue: SHE DOESN’T HAVE TO SHOW ID. NO ONE DOES unless there is more than “being Black in Encino.”

>>I don’t get all wadded up when the liquor store person (back in the day, lol) asked to see my id or the airline attendant asks to see one. I SURE didn’t get all bent this year when I voted and had to show an id.<<

Straw man. This is someone who is just existing, not breaking ANY laws nor requesting any service requiring an ID. Your analogy pathetically fails.

>>And yes...just for the record I am very proud of myself.<<

Disrespect for the BOR, presenting logical fallacies, overt racism — yep, you hit the trifecta.

121 posted on 09/14/2014 7:42:53 PM PDT by freedumb2003 (AGW "Scientific method:" Draw your lines first, then plot your points)
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To: freedumb2003

“overt racism”

For all you know I might be black.

You are veering off in so many directions, I can’t keep track of you. Of course that is a form of very destructive debate.

So all I will say to you, FRiend, is that we agree to disagree. And have a great week. Good evening.

123 posted on 09/14/2014 8:23:50 PM PDT by berdie
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To: freedumb2003; berdie

Le Sigh, I know you get it freedumb but others obviously do not.

I wonder if there might be laws that restrict the sale of alcohol to those over a certain age? How could one prove they were old enough to take part in this transaction? Is there some sort of paper or badge or card issued by some authority that can be offered upon request to prove one is legally entitled to that brewski? Let me think.

Is there a law that forbids one from being in a vehicle not in motion and kissing in that vehicle in such a matter that does not violate any statute or ordinance? Can’t find one. Would one have to prove they were legally entitled to engage in such an activity? Both people are obviously past the age of consent, so again no. Would one have to produce an officially issued document that verified one was not breaking the law? Well no, cause no law was being broken. See the difference.


139 posted on 09/14/2014 9:32:34 PM PDT by lastchance (Credo.)
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