“Considering the population of the surrounding area in DC. . . Im surprised hes not #1.”
Ha! What percentage of that “population” is interested in museums, or things remotely educational?
Honestly, people in (and around) D.C. rarely visit the sites. I went today because I was bored. The sites are great, the museums really wonderful, but they’re familiar to the residents and people who work there. I visit the museums once very 10 years or so. I jog around the Washington Monument every few days and don’t even “see” it anymore (it’s just part of the scenery). So, people voting in this poll are probably from all around the country.
Government employees and their union members, school field trips of brainwashed students from local educational institutions where the parents are the first category, similar field trips from more distant schools of the surrounding communities of other first category dependents, all select their patron Obambi. The rest of the votes for Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan come from the tourists and other visitors. . .