I still have scars from when I fell off a skateboard that was being towed behind my brother's bike. He was going really fast, I hit a rock and skidded face down on my elbows and knees. Got major road burns on my arms and legs.
There used to be an old merry go round in the park that my cousins would spin like the devil and we'd jump off hitting rocks, plants, trees, etc., after which we too dizzy to stand up.
You'll never see one of these now -- someone might stub his toe or get dizzy or get going too fast or get his feeling hurt.
Once we got one of those things up to speed and a kid’s shoe got caught and he was dragged in the gravel for at least 4 complete revolutions. Naturally, we all laughed our butts off.
Actually, I know where there are TWO of those within driving distance. Those are the parks we go to.
The worst merry-go-rounds weren’t the metal ones, they were the ones made of wood with just the bars made of metal. You’d slide on those and end up with wood slivers stuck in your legs and backside, cuz they only repainted them once a decade.
"Kid what would you like?"
"I want something that ya go around in a circle for 5 minutes and then puke!"
Not One Kid asked for that.