Some here love being dicks about tobacco
I would point out prolly 99% of dippers and chawers are right wingers about God guns guts and country
I used to chew beechnut myself and have family who dip Cope
So piss off crybabies
Woah, wardaddy. Nothing against chewers or dippers at all. It’s just not for me.
Chewing as I write
Years ago, I worked on a pipeline project and got to know the foreman real well. He would put half a pouch of Beechnut in his mouth and tuck it around in his jaw.
At lunch time he would pack it down with his finger and eat lunch with it in his mouth.
His head was so large, his ears stuck out beyond the rim of his aluminum hard hat. I could drop my class ring through his very large wedding band.
He was a Camilla breeder and developed champion one of a kind hybrids. To appease the admiral’s wife through who’s yard we were digging a very large ditch, he gave her a prize winning camilla
My daddy dipped for 50+ years (and never spit, btw, that’s for the weak) till his heart doctor raised a ruckus about it. My hubby dipped for 25 years. So did my kid brother. Until kid brother needed surgery to do a skin graft on his gums. That freaked me out and scared me. So I asked our dentist to fuss at my hubby about his chewing. And, as far as I know, he’s quit. At least at home LOL. I wasn’t going to nag about that myself, understand.