One day I picked up my 5th grade son at the school and on the way home he said he and some other boys were talking about girl bodies and how that worked. I told him they had it wrong (which they did) and I gave him a book that described how male and female bodies worked - with separate drawings of the two bodies, just like a diagram on a doctor’s wall has a drawing of the body. He went to school the next day and told the boys what he had learned. They were shocked his mother had given him a book all about it.
Sexual function is a body function just as other parts of the body have ways they function. I made no big deal about it so he didn’t after that, either. The “mystery” was gone.
Schools have gone nuts doing idiot things like making clay models. My son attended a fine public school - today, I’d put him in a private Catholic school where scholastic work is the goal rather than probing his sex life to determine if he is straight/homo/transgender. I was a school counselor then associate school psychologist in good public schools but I don’t think they exist anymore. I’d likely get fired my first day in today’s public schools.
That is the demonCrat way, according to FaceBook, there are (I forget the number) 57? new ways to classify your gender? Morality, personal responsibility, parental responsibility and parenting are being lost by the populus on a daily basis. We truly have a battle of Good vs. evil upon us. We must all stand united and battle this evil. Redshawk.