The situation you describe was racial and it is speculation-which you admit-that carrying a gun would have stopped the crime.
Remember if EVERYBODY carries then it will not be long before we will have open gun battles on our streets. It is already starting and an example are the two idiots in the article above; these two imbeciles were arguing over loud music, the next pair of "open carry" morons will be arguing over a perceived insult; another pair will be arguing over who caused the accident at the intersection and then they will pull their guns to settle the dispute; Then, we will have two drunks shooting it out in a bar over which team is the better football squad. Why did nineteenth century Americans pass laws regulating "open carry." Can we learn from history?
People today have no common sense all Constitutional "RIGHTS" have limits.
You didn't say that or ask that in your original post. You said:
No person should be allowed to carry a gun without a specific reason; i.e. carrying jewels, carrying money to the bank.
You come off to me like just another gun grabber. They always start with "limits" on rights until eventually the rights are taken away. I carry a gun and do not carry jewels or money to the bank. I carry a more precious cargo: my life, and that of my wife.
a.) go about my business and say nothing, or
b.)leave and not even get out of my car.
Your Dodge City in 1876 comparison belongs in a conversation about the Old West, which is a subject for another discussion.
Crime rates are down; not up.
Please tell me how many of the examples of which you speak have happened, how many people are now legally carrying firearms, and how you determined that there is a statistically significant problem with exercising the Second Amendment.