The word "euphemism" by the way, does not mean what you think it means, unless your opinion of LENR is the same as mine, which I doubt.
A mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive. Webster, online.
Only real scientists find "cold fusion" offensive. Crackpots did not. But then, they couldn't get anyone to buy their frauds.
Only real scientists find “cold fusion” offensive.
***Wow, let’s see how many people you throw under your ignorant Luddite bus when you say such a thing. Here’s a partial list
All the scientists who generated the 14000 replications; National Instruments, who reviewed 150 peer reviewed replications; Toyota; Mitsubishi, Navy SPAWAR;
Brian Josephson, Nobel Prize Theoretical physics, Cambridge Julian Schwinger, Nobel Prize Physics, Berkeley, Purdue, deceased Dennis Bushnell, NASA chief scientist, Langley Research Center, LRC Dr. Joseph Zawodny, NASA senior research scientist Langley Research Center Dr. Michael A Nelson, NASA LENR Space Applications Lead David Wells, NASA LRC, Aeronautical engineer Gustave C. Fralick, Arthur J. Decker, and James W. Blue, NASA Lewis Research George Miley, University of Illinois, Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Dr. Mike McKubre, SRI (Stanford Research Institute), Director Energy Research Center, University of Missouri Dr. Francis Tanzella, SRI, PhD chemistry, senior electrochemist Dr. Brian Ahern , Ames National Laboratory Prof. Peter Hagelstein, Electrical Engineering, MIT Dr. James Truchard, National Instruments founder, President and CEO Edmund Storms, Los Alamos National Laboratory Dr. Mace, Los Alamos National Laboratory John Bockrus, electrochemist Texas A&M University Dr. Francesco Piantelli, University of Siena, Considered the father of modern LENR, filed original patents in 1995 for Ni/H based LENR Dr. Sergio Focardi, emeritus professor University of Bologna Dr. Giuseppe Levi , University of Bologna Dr. David Bianchini, University of Bologna Dr. Christos Stremmenos, University of Bologna, Dept of. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, retired Francesco Celani, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Italys equivalent of Los Alamos) Dr. Frank Gordon, US Navys Space and Naval warfare systems (SPAWAR), retired Eugene Mallove, Professor of science MIT, deceased Dr. Mastromatteo, STMicroelectronics