Please name the hate.
Did you see my /s tag?
did you know that the only time someone hated me and my belief in the LORD Jesus Christ enough to demand that my boss fire me was the time I met up with a mormon for the first time ???
Why do mormons hate us Christians ???
BTW after 6 weeks of Hell from that mormon who acted like she hated me on sight she was the one to leave not me..
She had destroyed my personal belongings, and turned other workers against me and done other evil..
I was 19 and had never met up with anyone like her before ...apparently its a Mormon behavior..
All I could do was cry and asked God for help it was so bewildering...
She had been attempting to proselytize our boss and after she was gone my boss showed me all the books and pamphlets and info about the cult Mormonism and urged me never to join them..that Mormonism was a cult..
she explained all the mormon had devolved to my boss over the 6 weeks she had been working there and I saw the book of mormon for the first time and heard the story of Joseph Smith..which was strange and unbiblical..
Having been a Christian since I was 8 and brought up in a Bible believing Christian family and read the Bible for myself, I recognized that mormonism was not aligned with the LORD Jesus Christ or the Bible or Christianity but was something alien and false..
I was fortunate and blessed that God revealed the ugliness and falsity of mormonism to me that one afternoon..
I learnt more that day in 1968 about mormonism than the average mormon is taught in years of indoctrination..
It always pays to read the Bible for yourself so that you can be armed and protected with the truth and recognize the lies of the devil when they are presented..
and condemn them as enmity with the Living God...
Mormonism is evil and a false religion...
Mormonism is not Christianity..
and has nothing to do with the LORD Jesus Christ..