I don’t doubt the CC is a mess but I work with the schools and can tell you they are not doing a lot of what is showing up around here. My sons district is using original documents and non fiction to supplement and enhance - not replace. The issue is in interpretation and the fact no one is approach hing this the same. I deal with mtiple districts and they are all over the place. Many have no clue how to map and implement. It is there where the most danger lies as teachers and administrators insert their liberal ideals into the lessons more so than in other places. The real danger IMO is with the record keeping and reporting and what the teachers are now required to track on every student.
I somewhat disagree. The real issue is common core is barely out of the box and reality has not yet sunk in due to slow implementation. It was so designed as to become unstoppable once the truth was out, and it certainly isn’t yet. Once the testing is in place teachers will no longer have the luxury of doing things the way they know is successful, they will be forced by testing needs to teach common core.
It may end up another too big to fail. Only two courses as yet have written standards with more to come and the real ball buster is the data mining that is out in the future somewhere out of sight. No one seems to mind about the potential expense as long as big gov is in the mix, but just like medicaid expansion, no one knows, not even the Shadow, what the long term economic issues will be.