What kind of kid rams a cop car and revs his engine when asked to turn it off?
Horrible loss of life, but this kid was destined for what based on this behavior? Did this kid love his weed or other drugs, why this behavior?
Interesting concept. Colliding with a publicly owned vehicle and revving your engine in contravention of an order from a police officer is a crime punishable by summary execution without trial and due process. Well, at least the cops got home safely that night.
You answered it correctly. One who is drunk or drugged.
Oh, please!!! I despair!
He was a kid being a (for him) normal kid, for crying out loud. My gosh, you mean you've never known a few crazy kids? They grow out of it!!! So a young man goes a little nuts at a stage in his life and what, at most dings a few cop cars? SHOT and if not, regarded as a totally lost cause? It was a KID acting like a kid!!! *shaking head* Unless you live in a cloister. Most of America lives outside a cloister.
Kids screw up. This should have been a comedy the kid reminisced over as an old man, laughing shamefacedly about the time he ... instead, some snot-nosed authoritarian thug shot him dead.