while I am not one to pass along rumors, I noted that this issue came from two various sources, and thought I would pass along the information.
Sources of the information suggest that it will primarily be the 'independent truckers'; will have to see if the larger union truckers are involved as well.
If union truckers are involved, the effect will be significant !
Most gardeners are already 'preppers' of a sort, and are more aware of what they and their family needs are as well as how to respond to problems.
Also , if they don't know something , they aren't afraid to ask someone with expierience ,
and are willing to risk with new 'to them' varieties!
If you get the chance to participate in that 'Master Gardeners Boot Camp', by all means do so !
CoOperative Extension offices have access to a lot of information: soil testing,reccomended varieties for your area, new varieties , etc.
as well as food processing, canning, home orchards , bug identification, chemical pesticide use, natural methods pesticides, home economics , etc..
Most of that information is never explored by the average home gardener or small scale farmer.
The Master Gardener program was a fantastic learning expierience for me ,some 30 years ago ; even though quite out-dated, I still refer to the material.
Thanks, TIK!
The trucker thing is definitely not a rumor, as several people I respect are busy spreading the word about it.
Thanks for encouraging me to do the Master Gardener thing. I hope maybe one day I’ll be able to. The lady in OKC said that her county’s program is 13 weeks of full day classes, (bring your own lunch!) then the volunteer program is about 60 hours. After the volunteer program is fulfilled, then you can get your certificate. The cost is $100. She also noted that each county’s program IS DIFFERENT! (But my guess is not different by much!)
The Boot Camp is not nearly as intensive, but I think at the stage I’m at, would be a very helpful boost if we can put it together to get there, or find one closer.
even though quite out-dated, I still refer to the material.
Check to see if you have (in Nebraska they are NebGuides) available online through the landgrant university University of Nebraska Lincoln. I forget which university in Texas- but you can find them online and they are great.-—They are current, on any topic you can think of including not gardening/growing. They are free downloads.