So, I can dry the herbs in the dehydrator which I don’t have yet. Drying outside here is pretty much out since it’s humid here most of the time.
While looking for something else a while ago, I found two booklets that I got for husband about three years ago, they are “Container Gardening” and “Starting Seeds Indoors”. I had forgotten about these booklets since I didn’t read them. In the back of the container gardening one, there is a list of herbs and where they like best to grow and how to take care of them. That takes care of learning about herbs.
I’ll read the starting seeds one to see if there is something else I need to know besides what I’m already doing to germinate seeds under the grow light I have. It covers the transplanting into the garden which for me is transplanting into containers.
Yes, that will work fine, but in the meantime, you could also dry them other ways...if you have a forty or sixty watt Incandescent light bulb..
BTW, my Mother in law used to bake cookies in the car on really hot days..set the the trays in the back ledge under the car window..she thought it was great fun. She also dried fruit that way..Her solar oven car/dehydrator.