Repeal the 17th ping!
I’m quite certain that would have to be item number one on the list. Without state representation in the Senate we will continue with the status-quo.
In reality the seventeenth should be thrown out for their not changing the length of service from six years to two reflecting the term of the peoples representative compared to those representing the states. That alone should nullify the amendment. Not to mention turning the Founders vision on it’s head. Once the states were no longer represented, it was Katy bar the door. The government against the people, a clear example of no win. It was the people through the states that gave the federal government the right and power to exist, and when the states gave up it was all over.
Following the restoration of state representation in the Senate which is definitely a bridge to far in today’s world, then comes the request for an article V convention, which would be the final nail in the Republican form of government coffin IMHO. If no one is paying any attention to the Constitution now, you can bet your last dollar those in power will be paying attention when they are given carte blanche with an Article V convention where they rule the show. Extremely dangerous move IMHO unless you are holding a royal flush, and 20 divisions of crack troops. And even then...