Michael Douglas is also a notable lefty in Hollyweird...a nuclear disarmament advocate, pro-gun control, contributor to Obama, Dodd, etc. and (oh, yeah) Al Franken, too...plus contributions to various peacenik and lots of commie-front organizations.
His amoral liberal bent shows you can't take the junk out of the junkman....oh, wait...that was his uber-liberal father who started out as a junkman on the streets of New York.
Douglas Pere financially supported the likes of Feinstein, Clinton, the corrupt Chicagoan, former Sen. Carol Mostley Fraud, plus the commie Alan Cranston, etc., etc., and so forth.
I wouldn't give two cents for the two of them....and neither appealed to me as movie actors, either.
It’s true, about 59% of all mouth and throat cancer is being caused by the HPV virus, the same virus that is linked to genital warts and cervical cancer.
Of course all oral sex is not between heterosexual couples and since the onset of the AID virus, oral sex has become more common. So as the use of such as causes of mouth and throat cancer, such as chewing tobacco and pipes declined, the number of cases from HPV virus increased.
It didn’t help anything that young people believed Clinton when he claimed that oral sex wasn’t sex.
On spot, thank you, and BTTT!