Hi Johnny. Couldn’t resist. I’m still trying to learn how to post picks. Got two posted. Can’t seem to get the others uploaded. Oh well I’ll figure it out. Greetings from a wet Tennessee. It has rained so much and often that I’m a month or more behind It is worrying me to no end. Weeds everywhere. So much work to be done and it just keeps raining. But it is not good to complain or worry. Next weekend is looking like it might be dry enough to till and get things in the ground. Sure enjoy hearing about everyone’s gardening adventures.
I opened new garden space this year and it has bermuda in it. The stuff will be there and I'll be fighting it for the next 2 years.
I spent part of today dealing with that.
But my tobacco is so very, very happy. I've never seen tobacco so short, but the leaves are getting gigantic.
The raised beds with Mel’s mix are not really bothered too much with the rain. It drains off so quickly, you can get right back too it pretty fast.
The resto of the beds have enough clay to be a real pain when blessed with rain.