I begin to despair.
Is it possible that the only thing that has kept maniacal perversion at bay for centuries has been bigottry, lynchings, the KKK and the like?
I would like to think that reasoned thought could have command of the public square, but it seems that people are determined to be ruled by extremes.
I am sure that much of this is due to the quality of people. There is ample evidence for anyone who cares to see that what passes for education today, is not. Perhaps it is vain to expect barnyard animals to act like more than they are.
Well said.
Look up, for your redemption is nigh.
Well, if the biological systems analogy for social systems has any weight, we can say that an immune system is necessary. Sometimes the immune system gets overexcited and attacks the host rather than protecting it (lupus). I'm not sure precisely where the line should be drawn. In England, the militia may very well be the soccer club.