I made a comment in a similar thread Thanksgiving Day that Jason Garrett should probably use that following free Sunday to update his resume.
Apparently, many Cowboys supporters think it is time for shaking out, including the QB.
I won’t blame individuals when the Cowboy’s losses have been team losses. The Redskins team outplayed the Cowboy team. Romo’s interception was the result of incredible play by the Redskins’ defenses - from the pass rush to the coverage of the receiver to the pressure to score that made that throw necessary. If the Cowboy’s defense were better, that throw would not have been necessary. Good defensive players were outplayed by the Redskin’s offense.
That’s football. The NFL has 32 teams. By the end of the season all but one will be complaining about their players and coaches.
The name of the game is entertainment. This year, the Cowboys have been VERY entertaining. That’s what sells tickets, advertising, beer, nachos, cars, big screen televisions and such. And that’s what keeps people writing and talking about “their” teams.
After working in sports for over thirty years, I have a different take on the games than others. Enjoy the playoffs!