Posted on 12/16/2012 5:51:43 PM PST by SoFloFreeper
Since they're not getting a dime from me, they'll cease to exist. The fact of the matter is, the NRA has done nothing more over the last 20 years or so but negotiate our 2nd amendment rights away little by little, IMO. I won't support an organization like that.
You have a lot of very good company there, my dear.
I’m not buying it. Baraq is well on the way to presiding over a monumental economic meltdown. We’re very close to the tipping point, I believe, on being able to issue unlimited quantities of bonds at minimal interest.
Found it interesting that bammy’s speech seemed to start after conclusion of 60 minutes....guess cbs had to get der leader his face time.
time for storage wars.
I hope you don’t mind....I posted what you said on my Facebook...and said it was “borrowed from a friend”
Strange. I would have thought the the MSM would have spit out his male member once the election was over.
They didnt even have someone representing the Mormon faith even though Emilie Parker was Mormon, but they have a Muslim reciting the Koran..disgusting..oh and nothing that Obama does surprise me anymore. I knew it would be bad when the podium had his official seal on it..seriously..he can only speak at a podium that has HIS seal on it
We muted it but could tell by his scowl and demeanor that he was making it a political speech and not a memorial service.
The gun store by me was PACKED Saturday morning as soon as the doors opened. Every time Obama opens his mouth the place fills up with more buyers.
Here in the People's Socialist RepubliK of Illinois, we need a Firearm Owners ID Card (FOID) to buy weapons or ammo. There was a LINE of people waiting to have their pictures taken for their FOID card applications.
The counters were 3 deep with people waiting for someone to help them and every employee in the store had multiple customers they were helping.
I waited just over 30 minutes for a salesman to show me a compact 9MM that I'm interested in for my wife. Other than that, I loaded up with ammo and high capacity mag's for my HnK USP9, 9MM ammo and a bunch of .223 ammo. Blew several hundred dollars before walking out the door.
There were NO parking spots available when I went to leave, cars were circling the parking lot waiting for a space. This at one of the LARGEST gun stores in the state.
Indeed you do. I just thought I had strong feelings about Der Schlcikmeister, but this is a whole new level of contempt.
In fact, I know this is bad and probably a bit juvenile, but whenever his face appears on a TV set when I'm out (it won't at home) I instinctively flip him the bird.
He did that in Tucson too. Remember the T-shirts laid on the chairs?
Obama can’t even pretend to give a damn about dead babies..even when he “Cried” on Friday he used his middle finger AGAIN..does he only have one finger, how come every time he wipes a tear(Even though I didn’t see any tears streaming from his face, not one) he always uses his middle finger, to scratch an itch or do anything..because he is giving a giant F U to everyone in this country..half the country deserves that F U since they voted for him
If the millions of people who could have helped you in a constitutional crisis are ultimately stripped of their arms, what good do you think yours will do you? They will be nothing more than hidden relics of a freedom you will never exercise again.
Thats fine, you correct the spelling (PSY instead of OSY) and add something about Reverend Wright and Black Panthers, to make it more complete
Well, the more these things happen, the more Americans become disgusted at the bs being shoved on them.
With little bammy, why he is just “makin frenz ever day!”
Post of the day ..... Agree on all points.
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