Palin/West 2016.
Let it go. Palin will never be President.
Unfortunately, it wasn't Palin/West 2012.
Romney-the-RINO couldn't deliver, which is what I thought long ago when the GOP-E put him up there.
I only Register as an (R) to be able to vote in the Primaries.
Boehner and the House is worthless now, moreso than before, because they refuse to de-fund the illegal Regulatory bodies, Czars, etc., who simply dole out Tax money to buy votes from the 47%.
After decades of indoctrination by Union Teachers (Liberals, all, who can't hold real jobs), and by having the Union money-laudering machine for the Agenda, America will not turn around no matter how many "Elections" occur. Too many have been taught to think they have "Rights" to be have all they want paid for by others, and their sex lives included.
We will run out of "Others" very soon.....and that's when it will turn around.
I couldn't be more disgusted with Americans (and Illegals) right now, especially women voters who put The Messiah (the Kenyan) back in the White Hut, and NO COURT will even touch the issue of his inelbibility.....
You beat me to the punch. I think tonight was a call to duty for Sarah.