In a real TEOTWAWKI you must survive three things: 1. The event if immediately hazardous, 2. The anarchy, looting murdering starving raping etc. 3. The long term where you must grow your own food.
1 & 2 can be accomplished with a fully serviced (air, water, sewer, heat, stored food and fuel) basement below a fireproof house or a shelter. In any case it must not be discoverable by starving gangs out to take whatever they can find. This could be from 3 mo to a year.
3 is where you need the tools. Read how people lived 100 years ago without electricity. They made their own tools. They were wizards at making things work, it is what made this country great. Plan now for the land you need to grow what you need. Add the soil amendments now so the soil is right when you need it. Plant, harvest and then save seeds from NON-HYBRID plants. If you wait until TEOTWAWKI to do all of this you and your family will not make it.
Good luck.
1 & 2 can be accomplished with a fully serviced (air, water, sewer, heat, stored food and fuel) basement below a fireproof house or a shelter. In any case it must not be discoverable by starving gangs out to take whatever they can find. This could be from 3 mo to a year.
How will any shelter not be discoverable. There are drones and eyes in the skies. There is no place to hide.
There’s a learning curve with gardening. Some plant varieties will grow in your climate and soil, others won’t.